Price: $
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SHAREit - Transfer & Share


    SHAREit - Transfer & Share
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/ 16 ratings

Share files, apps and other data between devices

SHAREit Technologies Co.Ltd |
updated on September 17, 2024
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76.7mb | free


UI is fast and easy to use
Can be used to migrate to a new device
Quick option for sharing files between devices and other users


Filled with ads and promotions for other apps
You're often left wondering what is a feature and what is an ad or promotion for other app
SHAREit - Transfer & Share
Price: $
SHAREit is designed to let you share files, apps and other data between two devices effortlessly. The app does not require Bluetooth like most similar apps do. It instead connects to a server and then finds nearby devices connected to the same connection.

Once a connection has been made, you can choose to send or receive. When receiving, you'll download any files that another user sends to you. When sending, you'll be able to scroll through your files, apps, videos, photos, and other data to choose what to send.

When sending files, you must wait for the receiving device to appear on the search screen. We found that it takes roughly 10-20 seconds before you'll see other device on the share screen. Developer claims that their app is far faster than Bluetooth at transferring files, and from our experience we can confirm that this is true.

There's another side to SHAREit that is a little like a double-edged sword. The developer has attempted to fill the app with other functionality. This means you have access to cleanup tools and a memory analyzer straight from within the app, but it also means that plenty of the app is essentially filled with promotions for other applications. There are also many ads thrown throughout the SHAREit user interface.

If you can look past that and only focus on the core functionality of SHAREit, you do have a relatively good performing application. It provides the service that it offers in the app store description and does it within a neat, easy-to-use UI. Our only wish is that there was a way to remove the advertisements and promotions for other apps.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4.5 out of 5 stars)

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